5 Surprising Easter Traditions You Would Not Believe

Whether it’s hammering nails through themselves, hurling heavy pots off balconies Christians have some surprising ways of celebrating the Easter.
Crucifixion in the Philippines
Crucifixion in the Philippines is a devotional practice held every Good Friday, and is part of the local observance of Holy Week. Devotees or penitents called magdarame in Kapampangan are willingly crucified in imitation of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death, while related practices include carrying wooden crosses, crawling on rough pavement, and self-flagellation. Penitents considered these acts to be mortification of the flesh, and undertake these to ask forgiveness for sins, to fulfil a panatà (Filipino, “vow”), or to express gratitude for favours granted.
The Burning And Beating Of Judas Effigies In Brazil
In the build up to the Easter celebrations, young people in Brazil will often use straw to make life sized effigies of Judas Iscariot, and these are usually decorated to make them look as life-like as possible.
During the festival this effigy is then flogged, beaten and sometimes even shot with fireworks, before the culmination of the Easter festival when the depiction of Judas is placed on top of a large bonfire and burned.
Traveling To The Tierra Santa Theme Park In Argentina
In Argentina exist a theme park that is entirely based around recreating the surroundings in which Jesus Christ would have lived.
Tierra Santa is based on the historic city of Jerusalem during the Biblical period, and during the Easter festival many people will travel to the park in Buenos Aires to see the recreations of the Last Supper and the Trial of Jesus, and the live action retelling of the story of the resurrection of Christ.
Hurling Of Pots On Corfu
On the island of Corfu the at noon on Saturday people hurl giant water-filled earthenware pots from balconies to much cheering from those gathered (at an unsafe distance) below.
Not everyone agrees about the ritual’s origins. Some believe the tradition dates back 400 years, to when Venetian rulers would throw away the old to make room for the new. Others say the custom has a Biblical basis relating to the resurrection and it’s also suggested that all the noise is designed to scare away the devil.
The White House Easter Egg Roll In The United States
An Easter egg roll is a traditional game played with eggs at Easter.
In the United States, the Easter Egg Roll is an annual event, and is held on the White House South Lawn each Easter Monday for children (age 13 and younger) and their parents. It is hosted by the President of the United States and the First Lady of the United States.