Are you stuck abroad? This is not the end of the world!

It was supposed to be the trip of your life, but suddenly it became a nightmare. You got stuck at the other end of the world and became a prisoner of your hotel room or a small apartment. Sounds familiar?
Unfortunately, this is not a script for the latest adaptation of Robinson Crusoe’s adventures, but pure reality. In the current pandemic, most of us are forced to live on our own “deserted islands”. For some, the isolation is more painful than for others. We are talking about millions of people who, for some reason, have found themselves somewhere very far from home, relatives, and friends. A big part of this group consists of tourists who, due to the closure of borders and air traffic, have no chance to return to their home country.
The situation is difficult, but it is not the end of the world! Do not give up and think positively! In this way, everything will seem more bearable to you. We will show you how to find some positives in this situation.
It may sound strange, but it is possible to take advantage of the isolation. You’ve probably never had so much “free” time just for yourself. You’re asking yourself: what to do with it? It’s the best time for self-improvement. Use your involuntary stay abroad to learn the language of the country you are staying in. You will see that it will help you to chase away negative thoughts and give you a lot of satisfaction.
Okay, but how can you learn when schools and libraries are closed, and there is limited access to teachers? Well, the online applications that are available on the market come in handy. The learning process itself is completely safe and adapted to your needs. You can learn anywhere and at any time.
And what if you don’t have your computer with you? After all, not everyone takes it with them on holiday. A computer can be problematic, that’s true, but you certainly have your phone with you. Language learning applications are suitable for use on all mobile devices, tablets and iPads.
There’s not even a desk in your hotel room? No problem. You don’t have to use books or take any notes. You are good enough with your bed, you will not need anything more. Language learning applications give up traditional methods of education. They are based on special algorithms, thanks to which you don’t have to write down practically anything. The repetitions and content of lessons are automatically adjusted to your progress.
The TV schedule is only available in the local language? After just a few days of learning, you will understand single words and phrases that appear in the movies. This is a perfect way to listen to a foreign language and to master the correct pronunciation. Surely, if you were learning the language in your country, you wouldn’t have the opportunity or willingness for such a dose of foreign language television. Take advantage of this situation.
Some countries have introduced additional inspections on the streets. You need documents to move around. We assure you that you will be able to master basic phrases very quickly and you will not have to be afraid to answer the questions about your passport, identity card or place of residence when you meet policemen on the streets. The inspections, although certainly stressful, are also an opportunity to break through the barrier of speaking in a foreign language. Many people know a language only theoretically, they are afraid to use it in an actual conversation with other people. However, you will be forced to communicate. The language benefits of this situation will be invaluable.
We keep our fingers crossed for your quick return to your country. We recommend that you keep in touch with your embassy and consulate. But above all, we wish that this difficult time will be beneficial. You may return home changed. With the knowledge of a new language and, therefore, with new opportunities.